Part of castle school education trust

"Castle School Education Trust is committed to high quality education across the primary, secondary and sixth form key stages. Our schools cover the South Gloucestershire area. We encourage independence within each school within a strong framework of values."

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Marlwood School

Welcome TO MARLWOOD School

Welcome to Marlwood – a warm and friendly school with a family feel where each child is loved and cared for who they are, as well as what they achieve and go on to become. ‘Names not just numbers, outlook as well as outcomes’ is our motto.

Being a smaller than average secondary school, our size is definitely our strength. We pride ourselves on being a kind and caring student focussed school, where every member of staff makes it their business to get to know each child as soon as they enter the Marlwood family. This allows us to forge warm relationships with our pupils from the very outset and work with them to ensure that their school experience is a positive and rewarding one. Our pastoral care is second to none. Our dedicated pastoral staff work very closely with students to understand their needs and provide the very best support and care. After all, happy children are more likely to be successful children!

We believe that every child has a gift, and our jobs as educators is to provide a safe and stimulating environment in which these gifts can be discovered and nurtured. Our curriculum is deliberately traditional in nature, but broad enough to give students the opportunity to discover what they enjoy and have a natural aptitude for. Our outdoor sporting facilities are the envy of many schools and provide ample opportunity for pupils to learn outside the classroom. As we emerge from the pandemic and begin to return to some ‘normality’ we will look forward to reinstating extra- curricular trips and visits, as we whole heartedly recognise that these are a vital part of a child’s educational experience. 

The teachers here at Marlwood are passionate about their subject disciplines and have clearly mapped out the learning journey that each child will take throughout their five years with us, delivering content that is both engaging and challenging in equal measure, and provides rich cultural capital. Dedicated to their craft, Marlwood teachers constantly seek to draw upon the latest research to shape their classroom practice and work hard to provide deep and memorable learning experiences that aim to engage pupils and develop their scholastic skills over time.

By working together and modelling our school values through our daily interactions both inside and outside the classroom, we aim to develop young people who are respectful of themselves, one-another and the school environment, have sufficient self-belief to aspire to personal ambitions and be determined to work hard in the face of adversity and set back in-order to achieve their goals.  

Thank you for entrusting your child to us.

Mr J Docherty

Executive Headteacher